So, i was just reading over some of my last blogs and I wonder why I complain so much. Poor poor me, yeah right! I have so many things to be greatful about! First of all my family is the best ever! They definely keep me on my toes at all times! Second, my great and wonderful husband! He would honestly do anything for me, poor guy! Third, I am living in Italy! I mean come on Kashay, get a grip! Boo hoo, so you don't have wal-mart you will get over it! Ha ha, oh crap i crack myself up! Anyways, I hope everyone is doing good and enjoying life. I know I am, even though i complain sometimes but i mean, who doesn't?! (i know your thinking in your head "chh, i never complain") EVERYONE DOES IT! I believe is just nature! well, i am sick of rambling on and im sure you are too!