Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

So yesturday was Felix's 24th birthday!!! I feel bad for not writing it yesturday but oh well. So yesturday was the first day it has not rained in about 4 days, it was a nice change. Felix and I decided to go to lunch together at Charleys. I had him show me a few things he wanted so when he went back to work I went and bought him a computer game. He is really into the army fighting computer games (army...imagine that) so when he got home lastnight he got changed and we went to watch a movie. We have not been to the movies in quite awhile. It was nice to get out of the house. On the way home we stopped and got a drink for the long walk home! Some days the walk home really stinks but lastnight it went by really fast. For those of you who don't know, we don't have a car here in Italy so we have to walk everywhere. After 6 pm the gate next to our house closes so we can't get through there so we have to walk about a mile or more around post to our house. Its good exercise! I need it. We called my mom on the walk home and talked to her for awhile. He has a good birthday.This is the first birthday in 4 years he has gotten to celebrate. Poor guy. So it was fun. Next year Im sure he is going to look back on this years birthday and dream about it!!! (he will probably be on his way or already in Afganistan)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why do i?

So, i was just reading over some of my last blogs and I wonder why I complain so much. Poor poor me, yeah right! I have so many things to be greatful about! First of all my family is the best ever! They definely keep me on my toes at all times! Second, my great and wonderful husband! He would honestly do anything for me, poor guy! Third, I am living in Italy! I mean come on Kashay, get a grip! Boo hoo, so you don't have wal-mart you will get over it! Ha ha, oh crap i crack myself up! Anyways, I hope everyone is doing good and enjoying life. I know I am, even though i complain sometimes but i mean, who doesn't?! (i know your thinking in your head "chh, i never complain") EVERYONE DOES IT! I believe is just nature! well, i am sick of rambling on and im sure you are too!

Friday, January 9, 2009


ok, so i decided i needed to get on here and write something. I have never been one to make new years resolutions but this year i decided i need to. I think my biggest one right now is to find a job! I have been so lazy ever since we got here, its about time i get off my lazy butt and do something! I am dreading it but once i get back in the rythm of things it will be good! I want to congratulate ALL of my friends who have or are having babies!!!!! I can't believe half of my friends are mommies! Its very cool. I can't wait for my turn!!!! It takes two to tango and my other half is not quite ready to be a daddy! no problems though. Might as well live it up while we have the chance!!! Next thing......I am so homesick! I actually cried on the plane back to Italy! I had so much fun being home, i miss it. My family is the greatest and I love them with all my heart! I just can't wait until this summer when we come home! I hope i will be able to come home sooner than that cause felix has alot of training. If any of you ever see my parents rag on them about getting their butts over here to see their daughter!!!!! just kidding! well, i think that is it for now. I will let you know how the job search goes!!!!! bye!