Ms. Chevelle being the little diva she is!!! She always has to have shoes on her feet, some kind of weird obsession! I think she is going to be an addict to shoes, she already has more shoes than me and felix put together....although, i am to blame!!! A girl can never have to many shoes!

Amanda showed me the Picky Palate website and lately I have been trying out some of the recipes! This is one of the chili recipes on there...my first time ever making chili. It was DELICIOUS!!!! I altered the recipe a little but it was still great!

Some of our friends over here in Italy asked us to watch their girls for a few hours. This is Gabriela (8 months) she is such a cutie!!! And she is sooo tiny! But I believe that Chevy was getting a tiny bit jealous of her daddy holding the baby, so she took over his lap when she had the chance! She is such a daddy's girl!

Not sure if many of you watch news and stuff with the President and all of that. I believe in November he announced the first living Medal of Honor recipient, Sal Guinta. Well, Sal is in the same company as Felix so we have had the honor to know him personally. At our 2nd battalion ball in January we got a picture of him and felix together! We are so proud of Sal!

This picture was taken in January when Felix reenlisted to stay in the Army. He signed for another 3 years on needs of the Army. We finally just got our orders this week and we will be moving to Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas later this year! We couldn't be happier! I have enjoyed life here in Italy, alot of good things have come out of it but we are ready to be close to our families! I will GLADLY take a 10 hour car ride over a 10+ hour plane ride!!!! I cant even begin to tell you the stress I have trying to fly back to Utah with a 17 month old child. So hopefully we will get to see all of you more often!
Here in a few weeks the softball season will be getting underway. I am excited. We lost one of the coaches this year so its going to be alot different. He was the only male coach and alot of the girls are not happy about him moving but hey, its the Army!!!
I also have family coming to visit me in May, I cant wait! I have been dying to have people come and see my life here in Italy!
Anyway, that about all for now!!!! Ciao Ciao!