I am so sorry it has been forever since I have been on here. Its been kinda busy lately with softball and all. But, I just had to come and post the pics of our new baby girl online for grandma and grandpa and her uncles to see!!!! I think Felix was a little shocked when she told us its a girl. We both thought it was going to be a boy but I guess we were wrong! The lady was only 80% sure it was a girl cause the baby kept moving everytime we tried to get a good look at her! She has been kicking like crazy, i love it! My due date is still the 15th of September. So as of right now that is about it. I will try to get on here more often!
p.s. amanda, looks like your going to have to teach me how to make the headbands!!!!!
SWEET!! I am excited! Let me know when you will be home and we can get together!
yay a girl! tHEY ARE SO MUCH FUN!!! OH HOW I LOVE MY LITTLE NICOLE!!! SORRY ABOUT THE TYPEING..SHE'S HIITING THE KEYBOARDS:)I make Nicole's bows! I don't know if I'd ever get a chance to show you how but they're easy!! You will love having you're baby...they change your life!!
Congratulations sis!!!! You're gonna be an awesome mommy!
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