AAFES official statement!!!! (read below for details!)
Chevelle's contest photo!
So here a few weeks ago, probably the beginning of June I saw an ad in our local newpaper about a cute baby contest that AAFES (army and airforce exchange services) was holding. I decided to put Chevelle into it just for fun!!!! If was over Facebook so that was how you viewed all the babies/kids (newborn-5yrs) pictures and you also voted for them over facebook. Well at first me and another girl from my husbands company were having a friendly competition against eachother! Then after that it quieted down. Once I told my mom about it then she was on the ball and started getting lots of votes. 2 weeks before the contest was to end they announced the top 5 babies with the most votes....and there were about 1500 or more babies in this contest! Baby #1:Bailey, baby #2:Avah, baby #3: Caideync, baby #4: Eden, & baby #5: CHEVELLE!!!! I was so excited but I knew that I had to start getting lots more votes if I even wanted to catch up to the leaders. I started asking everyone that I had on my friends list to go and vote! My mom was doing the same back home and so were lots of friends and family!!!! Can I just say....this contest turned into something truly ugly!!!! People started saying that their baby was WAY cuter than another baby, profanity was slung, hate mail was being sent....it got way out of hand! 4th of July weekend it was mainly between Chevelle and Caidynce....I think we were only a few votes difference. Then another fight broke out....not with me but a friend had said something to the other mom and then it got really bad! Luckily it ended and somehow one of the other babies had caught up and passed both of us. I decided to go and look at her votes....alot of the accounts were being made up. the only thing on them was the site you go to vote on. There had been about 100 or more that they had made up. Lets just say that started another big argument!!! I told "TEAM CHEVELLE" to be the bigger team and just not say anything, we were going to win that thing fair and square! Once that happened everyone went crazy getting votes!!!! It was late here in Italy so I decided to go to bed and the next morning when I woke up it was about 11 minutes after the contest had ended and my neighbor had wrote me and said that we were in the lead but the AAFES site had not come on and verified the winner. It was a long day waiting to hear something....then I got a message....It was the lady from the website and she asked me to call her and verify my identity to be a potential winner of the contest. I called....and of course they didn't answer so I had to wait even long then finally the call back....WE HAD WON!!!!! It was so good to hear!!!! Needless to say, cheaters never prosper! Chevelle won a new Peg Perego stroller and carseat worth $600!!!!! Im sure she will grow out of them soon but it will be VERY handy for the next baby to come....that wont be for a little while!!!! But again, to all those that helped get votes and who voted.....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
(i tried to put the other pics down here but they went up to the top)
I am excited for the next few months, I fly home in a few weeks. Then its the big reunion thing for MHS, Im super excited for that. There are alot of classmates I haven't seen since graduation! Then not much going on in August then in September.....I FINALLY GET TO SEE MY HUSBAND!!!!!! After 9 1/2 months I finally get to see him again, I cant even tell you all how excited I am!!!! Well, that is all for now. Hope to see you all very very soon!!!!
Go CHEVY!!! That was fun:) Oh and I finally got internet at the house so I actually update my blog now!
That's awesome she won, she is a cutie for sure! It was so good to see you and catch up! You're still as funny as ever:)
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