Ok so I seriously thought nobody ever read mine so I never updated....glad to see someone does (kelly) Lets see.....things have been crazy lately! Softball ended in May and I am so relieved, I dont think I would have coached much longer. This year was just totally and completely different. It amazes me how little respect the younger generations have. I understand people get upset sometimes but you dont call your coaches stupid and say they dont know how to play the sport. Then some of them had problems not being the "captains" of the team. Kinda takes me back to my senior year when people just thought they rocked and had to be captain. What made it even more difficult was having Ms. Chevelle!!!!! She loved being out there with all the girls but if I walked 10 feet away from her she would throw herself on the ground and start crying. She knows how to get my attention. But anyways, the girls ended up doing horrible at Europeans so....thats that. Soon after that, about 2 days before my birthday felix had to head to Germany to do some training. I was so bummed that for the 2nd year in a row he had to miss my birthday. So me and Chevy baked a cake and did the whole shebang just us! She had fun taking the candles out of the cake. Its weird, when felix is home we go to bed at a decent time and I usually wake up about 8. When he is gone I cant seem to get myself to bed before midnight and wake up around 9. I dont know what it is. For the 4th of July here they had 1 food booth....which was ridiculous how expensive the food was!!!! 11 dollars for a hamburger, small thing of fried, and a teeny tiny drink.....OUTRAGEOUS! then they had a few rides for kids, which you had to pay for in euro to ride. then they had some booths where you could do kid projects for free but the lines for those were super long. I understand we are living in Italy and this is Italy's base but the 4th of july is an AMERICAN holiday, I dont understand why the Italians were invited onto post to celebrate this. The people here can be so mean, they do not know the purpose of a line!!!!!! felt like i was in kindergarten again "hey, you butted!!!" good thing i had a stroller, i could push my way through, people dont like getting hit in the back of the legs with a stroller! There are so many people here (americans) that didnt like the idea of them coming onto post. The terrorist threat level was high, great way to increase it more! Luckily no one was harmed! The fireworks....those were a different story! This was the first year that they have had fireworks in a few years so everyone was so excited. They were going to set them off on top of this big hill about 3 miles away from post....well as soon as they started it was a huge disappointment. There was a huge building in the way so you couldnt even see them. I was so sad. Chevelle is almost 2 and has still not seen fireworks, poor deprived child! A few days after the 4th Felix had to leave again to go do more training in Germany, he said it was so cold up there with lots of rain. Sounds not so fun to me! Then again I would have traded him, here in Italy it was soooo hot and humid. I dont do good in humidity, I get really cranky! He just got home a few days ago and then they will leave again soon to head to Ukraine to do training up there. I guess this is going to be a super cool training. They will get to jump out of planes with other countries. Its hard to describe all this Army stuff to others that dont know much about it. Felix is just really REALLY excited for this! As soon as he arrives back home we will start clearing. We already have appts for the movers to come and pick up our stuff. I love that the Army pays for all this stuff. The movers come in, pack EVERYTHING and send it off. The only downside is that you wont see your stuff again until about 2-4 months later. So you have to pack your bags ahead of time to make sure you have everything! I guess the only thing I really have to do is pack mine and Chevelle's bags, clean the fridge and oven, and sell the car. Thats the big thing for me is selling the car. I am just so excited we are finally to this point! It has been awesome living in Italy, we have gotten to see some cool places we probably would have never seen before. Chevelle will be able to say she was born in Italy! There have been ups and downs. Im sure I will cry the day we leave our house and friends but its going to be the end of one chapter, and the beginning of the next...which I am absolutely stoked for! In the next chapter of life we will be doing some vacationing in Utah and California to see both of our families, weddings, finding a place in Texas, and just being so much closer to all the people we love! Wow, this was my longest post ever!!!!! Hope whoever reads this enjoyed hearing about my life! I will try to keep it up to date!
[HD] 24 Hour Party People 2002 字幕 動画 フル
4 years ago
I read too!
thanks for reading it too andrea!!!!! im glad some people read my long boring blogs!
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