Thursday, February 19, 2009


Im not sure how many of you know but Felix and I are expecting our first baby! Yesturday was my first ultrasound and it was pretty cool. My bladder was about to explode but it was so worth it to see the baby. It was even moving when we were looking at it. Just wanted to share with you guys. I must have felt out of the loop cause everyone was having babies so we decided we wanted one!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So this weekend A-rod, Felix, and I went to Venice for Carnevale. I have heard about it before but I was not prepared for what I was about to witness!! There were people in the most beautiful masks, all dressed up head to toe. There were little shops lining the alleys with masks, hats, food, clothes, and all sorts of stuff. The one thing about Venice, which you see in books and stuff is that there are absolutely no cars there! The only way to get around is by foot, train, or boat. It was fun watching people getting rides in the boats down the water streets. There were ALOT of poeple there. Everyone was very friendly and happy to be there. By the time it was 3 in the afternoon we were all tired and ready to go home!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Alone time

I decided it is time to post another one! So now is the time when Felix starts his training. It bums me out but they gotta get it done sometime before they deploy. Tomorrow morning he has to be to work at 3 a.m. and then he does an overnight training, they will be walking all night, then luckily he gets a 4 day weekend. This weekend I believe we are going to go to Venice to see Carnivale. I have no idea what it is technically but what I can remember from movies and things its where people wear the masks on their faces?! (I HAVE NO IDEA!!!) Once I find out I will let you all know! Then a week or so after that Felix goes on some more training but this time he will be gone for a few weeks. I usually wouldn't mind being alone but im in a totally different country and not a whole lot of friends so it tends to get kinda boring. I guess my house will be spotless!!! Next week is going to be a pretty exciting week for us. Once it is over I will let you all in the loop and let you know whats going on!! well, thats all for now.