Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Itlay pics

Hello everyone! So I finally got some pics onto my computer and wanted to share them with you guys. As you can tell they are pics of our house. The craziest thing about the house is that we have two bathrooms and in each bathroom there are two toilets! I guess of of them if for the ladies so they can cleanse themselves??????? I think. I have yet to use it. I am a little intimidated. I will try to get a pic of it. If any of you know how to use them, please feel free to inform me!!! We live on the 4th floor and of course there is no elevators in our building so you can bet i get my exercise walking up and down the stairs. Especially when i have to carry all the groceries up! It is worth it though!


Amanda said...

Two toilets?! That is the funniest thing I have ever seen! I guess it could be convenient though....??? Anyways, hope everything is going good! I can't wait to see you guys!

Andrea said...

I think one of the toilets is called a beday, no clue how to spell that, but I have yet to learn what it's for!